CLE Credit

Information Regarding New York CLE Credits

Columbia Law School has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Board as an Accredited Provider of CLE programs. Under New York State CLE regulations, this traditional live classroom for newly admitted and experienced CLE Program will provide 6 hours of New York CLE credit in the Areas of Professional Practice and Skills categories. This CLE credit is awarded to New York attorneys for full attendance of each individual session of the Program. Attorneys seeking credit must affirm arrival and departure times with a signature in the registers. On sign-out on departure, attorneys should also submit their completed Evaluation Form, furnished at the Conference. This attendance verification procedure is required by the New York State CLE Board. Please note the NYS Certificates of Attendance will be sent to the email address as it appears in the register unless otherwise noted there.


Reading Materials

Please find the CLE reading materials here.